Monday, October 29, 2007

Resemblance at Home

I'll never admit to staging this.
(Hey, look...the girls are even wearing the same dress!)


Martin said...

I would suspect Sarah of staging that before you. She is the mastermind of all the mischief.

Martin said...

I mean, look at all the stuff pulled out in her picture compared to the other two. She has everything opened up. I think I even see a whole drawer missing above the cupboard behind her.

Mean Mommy said...

Heh. I had to look twice, but there's not a drawer missing. That's the roll-out shelf inside the cupboard.

ahem. said...

I find it amusing that while the girls are wearing the same dress, Noah isn't wearing anything!

Mean Mommy said...

That's because Rich won't let me dress Noah up in dresses.