Monday, November 12, 2007

National Children's Book Week

In honor of NCBW, here are my 7 (more or less) favorite children's books:
  1. Alexander's Pretending Day (It's like Runaway Bunny.)
  2. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
  3. Guess How Much I Love You?
  4. Bread and Jam for Frances
  5. The Napping House
  6. Blueberries for Sal
  7. Pickles the Fire Cat

Sarah's 7 Favorite Books:
  1. The Lazy Scarecrow
  2. Pajama Time
  3. Princess Tales
  4. Alexander's Pretending Day
  5. I'm Going to Eat You
  6. Ten Little Fish
  7. Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed
(Sarah's list looks suspiciously like a "The Last Several Books We Read" list.)