Friday, March 28, 2008


My evil plan is working. I've been collecting lots of the books I enjoyed when I was little and some other books that have been recommended by others. I just wanted to have them around the house.

I've tried to interest Sarah in a few books (we're talking longer chapter books now), but she'll either read a chapter or two and lose interest or have me reading to her (which is fine too). She finally caught the bug though. Hehehe. She read two chapter books in a row, one last night and one this morning. It was so cute to see her wandering around the house completely absorbed in a book.

And the winner is...The Magic Treehouse books. We'd read the first two to/with her, but she read #3 and #4 all on her own.

I win!


Anne/kq said...

I'm trying to remember if I've read those or not! I remember I loved Nancy Drew when I was about that age... I still have my whole collection. :D

Jenni said...

Those certainly are magic (har, har) at our house. We have the whole schmattering of 35+ books. I think Brandon's read every one of them two or three times. They never seem to get old.