Monday, August 27, 2007

Sarah Artwork

This is "Mommy's" picture, which Sarah drew for me. I thought there were some pretty cool designs in there. I think it was inspired by Classical Baby's Art Show, but it could be just entirely made up too.

I particularly like the guy with stars on his head and the stripey thing with curliques and bird feet. Maybe sometime I'll ask her what they are. But I suspect they aren't supposed to be anything in particular--just designs.


Ginger said...

I love receiving pictures like this. I've learned to say, "tell me about this," rather than, "what is this?" so that Sam doesn't get offended. One thing you don't want to do is offend an artiste!

Anne/kq said...

She is a really talented artist for her age. As a professional in this field (kinda), just wanted you to know that!

Damselfly said...

I could totally see some sheets made in this print....

Mean Mommy said...

Ginger--I usually do that too. The worst though is the response, "Guess!"

Aww...thanks KQ.

Sheets! Eeeeexcellent... I shall now commercialize my children's genius for my personal gain and profit. Yes! I knew there was a reason I had kids. ;)